Tên trường | Vị trí |
Suseong College | Suseong-gu, Daegu |
Ansung Polytechnic College | Anseong, Gyeonggi |
Asan Information and Technology Polytechnic College | Asan, South Chungcheong |
Busan Arts College | Busan |
Busan College of Information Technology | Busan |
Busan Kyungsang College | Busan |
Busan Polytechnic College | Busan |
Byuksung College | Gimje, North Jeolla |
Catholic Sangji College | Andong, North Gyeongsang |
Changwon Polytechnic College | Changwon, South Gyeongsang |
Cheju Tourism College | Bukjeju County, Jeju |
Baekseok College | Cheonan |
Cheonan National Technical College | Cheonan, South Chungcheong |
Cheonan Yonam College | Cheonan, South Chungcheong |
Cheongju Polytechnic College | Cheongju, North Chungcheong |
Jeonbuk Science College | Jeonbuk |
Chongju National College of Science and Technology | Cheongju |
Choonhae College | Ulsan |
Christian College of Nursing | Gwangju |
Chuncheon Polytechnic College | Chuncheon, Gangwon |
Chungbuk Provincial College | Okcheon |
Chungkang College of Cultural Industries | Icheon, Gyeonggi |
Chungnam Provincial College | South Chungcheong |
Ajou Motor College | Boryeong |
Daedong College | Busan |
Daeduk College | Daejeon |
Daegu Health College | Daegu Health College |
Daegu Mirae College | Gyeongsan, North Gyeongsang |
Daegu Polytechnic College | Daegu |
Daejeon Health Sciences College | Daejeon |
Daejeon Polytechnic College | Daejeon |
Daelim College | Anyang, Gyeonggi |
Daewon Science College | Jecheon, North Chungcheong |
Dong-A College | Yeongam,South Jeolla |
Dong-Ah Broadcasting College | Anseong, Gyeonggi |
Dongju College | Busan |
Dongkang College | Gwangju |
Dongnam Health College | Suwon, Gyeonggi |
Dong-Pusan College | Busan |
Dong Seoul College | Seongnam, Gyeonggi |
Dong-U College | Sokcho, Gangwon |
Doowon Technical College | Anseong, Gyeonggi |
Gachongil College | Incheon |
Gangdong College | Eumseong, North Chungcheong |
Gangneung Yeongdong College | Gangneung, Gangwon |
Gangwon Provincial College | Gangneung, Gangwon |
Geochang Polytechnic College | Geochang, South Gyeongsang |
Kimcheon Science College | Yeongnam |
Gochang Polytechnic College | Gochang,Jeolla |
Gumi Polytechnic College | Gumi, Gyeongsang |
Gwangju Polytechnic College | Gwangju |
Gyeongbuk Provincial College | Gyeongsang |
Gyeongnam Provincial Geochang College | Gyeongsang |
Gyeongnam Provincial Namhae College | Gyeongsang |
Hallym College of Information and Industry | Chuncheon, Gangwon |
Hansung Technical College | Seoul |
Hanyang Women’s College | Seoul |
Hanyeong College | Yeosu, Jeolla |
Hongseong Polytechnic College | Hongseong, Chungcheong |
Hyechon College | Daejeon |
Hyejeon College | Hongseong , Chungcheong |
Iksan National College | Iksan, Jeolla |
Incheon Polytechnic College | Incheon |
Inha Technical College | Incheon |
JaiNeung College | Incheon |
Jecheon Polytechnic College | Jecheon, Chungcheong |
Jeonbuk Polytechnic College | Gimje, Jeolla |
Jeonju Kijeon Women’s College | Jeonju, Jeolla |
Jeonju Technical College | Jeonju, Jeolla |
Jeonnam Provincial College | Jeolla |
Jinju College – Jinju | South Gyeongsang |
Jinju Health College | Jinju, Gyeongsang |
Catholic University of Pusan | Busan |
Juseong College | Cheongwon County, North Chungcheong |
Kangwon Tourism College | Taebaek, Gangwon |
Kaya University | Gyeongsang |
Keimyung College | Daegu |
Keukdong College | Eumseong , Chungcheong |
Kimcheon Science College | Gimcheon, Gyeongsang |
Kimpo College | Gimpo, Gyeonggi |
Koje College | Geoje, Gyeonsang |
Kongju Communication Arts College | Gongju, Chungcheong |
Korea National College of Rehabilitation and Welfare | Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi |
Korea National Railroad College | Uiwang, Gyeonggi |
Korea Tourism College | Icheon, Gyeonggig |
Kunjang College | Gunsan, North Jeolla |
Kunsan College of Nursing | Gunsan, North Jeolla |
Kwangju Polytechnic College | Gwangju |
Kwangyang Health College | Gwangyang, South Jeolla |
Kyongbuk College of Science | Chilgok, Gyeongsang |
Kyungbuk College | Yeongju, Gyeongsang |
Kyungbuk Foreign Language Techno College | Gyeongsan, Gyeongsang |
Kyungdong College of Techno-Information | Gyeongsan, Gyeongsang |
Kyungin Women’s College | Incheon |
Kyungmin College | Uijeongbu, Gyeonggi |
Kyungmoon College | Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi |
Kyungnam College of Information and Technology | Busan |
Kyungwon College | Seongnam, Gyeonggi |
Mokpo Polytechnic College | Mokpo, Jeolla |
Munkyung College | Mungyeong, Gyeongsang |
Naju College | Naju, Jeolla |
National Medical Center College of Nursing | Seoul |
Pohang College | Pohang, Gyeongsang |
Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary | Seoul |
Pusan Arts College | Busan |
Pusan Women’s College | Busan |
Red Cross College of Nursing | Seoul |
Saekyung College | Yeongwol, Gangwon |
Seongnam Polytechnic College | Seongnam, Gyeonggi |
Seoul Health College | Seongnam, Gyeonggi |
Seoul IT Polytechnic College | Seoul |
Seoul-Jeongsu Polytechnic College | Seoul |
Seoul Women’s College of Nursing | Seoul |
Shingu College | Seongnam, Gyeonggi |
Shinheung College | Uijeongbu, Gyeonggi |
Sohae College | Gunsan, Jeolla |
Songho College | Hoengseong , Gangwon |
Soong Eui Women’s College | Seoul |
Sorabol College | Gyeongju, Gyeongsang |
Suncheon Cheongam College | Suncheon, Jeolla |
Suncheon First College | Suncheon, Jeolla |
Sung-duk College | Yeongcheon, Gyeongsang |
Sunghwa College | Gangjin, Jeolla |
Suwon Science College | Hwaseong, Gyeonggi |
Suwon Women’s College | Suwon |
Taegu Science College | Daegu |
Ulsan College | Ulsan |
Wonju National College | Wonju, Gangwon |
Wonkwang Health Science College | Iksan, Jeolla |
Woongji Accounting & Tax College | Paju, Gyeonggi |
Woosong Information College | Daejeon |
Woosong Technical College | Daejeon |
Yangsan College | Yangsan, Gyeongsang |
Yeungjin College | Daegu |
Yeungnam College of Science and Technology | Daegu |
Yong-in Songdam College | Yongin, Gyeonggi |
Youngnam Theological College and Seminary | Gyeongsan, Gyeongsang |
Yuhan College | Bucheon, Gyeonggi |
Agricultural Cooperative College | Goyang, Gyeonggi |
Andong Science College | Andong, North Gyeongsang |
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